Saturday, June 6, 2020


Imagine if you will, a world where a virus is used to socially engineer the population to believe that it is far deadlier than it is, and that protesting against a lockdown is dangerous and can lead to more cases and death, but social justice protesters and rioters gathering to reek havoc is completely safe. Madness.
Illustrating just how overhyped the fear mongered coronavirus crisis was, the mainstream media has also pushed COVID to the back burner as cities across America burn. Radical agitators on both sides of the political spectrum have sparked riots across the country, co-opting peaceful protests over the cruel and sadistic murder of George Floyd. Riots that have resulted in the murder of 9 police officers and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. Now, there is a full press push from politicians, the media and even corporations to abolish the police.
During last week’s riots there was an organized effort to logistically coordinate violence and chaos nationwide. Pallets of bricks were found left out in the open near the riot zone in New York city. Bricks that were used by looters to smash windows and break heads. Cops were pelted with Molotov cocktails, sticks, bricks and water bottles filled with cement. Businesses already struggling to survive the COVID-19 lockdown psyop have been vandalized and burned to the ground. Business owners, many who are minorites, have been robbed and beaten by rioters.
If all of this isn’t bad enough, a race war is now quickly developing. In Santa Monica, California blacks targeted and attacked white motorists, pulling them out of their cars and beating them in the street. Politicians in the cities where the the worst rioting occurred under-reacted and allowed mahyem to fester and worsen. In many cases, excusing the violent, destructive behavior of the rioters, rather than castigating them for destroying their cities. The media and democrat politicians have all taken the side of the violent looters, calling them “protestors”. New York governor Andrew Cuomo even had the audacity to say that assault is an acceptable way to protest. What is wrong with these people?
As racial tensions fester, the government in Minneapolis has no decided to disband and eliminate the police department in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Somehow eliminating police departments have now become the new rage. What it is, is a foolish “feel good” endorphin rush. All emotion, no common sense, which, sadly is a typical trait of the left’s emotion based responses to life. In this case, it is pure, irresponsible, dangerous insanity.
The unspoken fact is, that many of these victims of police violence and murder, like George Floyd, aren’t choir boys. They are felons. And many victimize and exploit the neighborhoods where they live. Neighborhoods that have a high police presence as a result of the criminal element living in the neighborhood. This isn’t rocket science. Nor is it racist to reveal these obscured realities that we must face as a society to survive. Political correctness, critical theory and “wokeness” is destroying America.
The end result of allowing police departments to be eliminated is chaos. Chaos that would eventually lead to a fierce police state, which would delight those who wish to subvert America and merge it into a one world, dictatorial, totalitarian socialist state. Just look how they have used lies and deceptions with COVID-19 psyop to manipulate and condition the masses to comply. And look at how successful they were at it. I wonder what comes next?And now, pushing the envelope even further, people are being socially conditioned into taking a knee in solidarity with George Soros’ funded Black Lives Matter or face social media shaming. In Washington, D.C. Black Lives Matter Plaza has been established, the words painted on the road leading up to the White House.
While there is absolutely no justification for the killing, George Floyd is painted as a “good man” and father. A saint, martyred by the media and likes of race baiter Al Sharpton, but the fact is, George Floyd was a convicted felon with a long rap sheet. He spent two years behind bars in 2007 for robbery, five years behind bars in 2009 for assault and prior to 2007, Floyd was convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs.

Now, like clockwork, Al Sharpton is organizing yet another divisive march on Washington to protest the “systemic” police violence against the black community. Systemic? Since 2017, 755 or approximately 200 blacks per year have been shot and killed by police . In that same time period, 1398, or approximately 350 whites have been killed by police. Black or white, this is a sad statistic, but certainly is not “systemic”.
The real question to ask is, do the numbers justify the outrage, hype, protests and marches constantly promoted and replayed by the mainstream media, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter and other violent, subversive hate groups?Let’s take a look: From 1976 to 2014, 198,288 African Americans died nationwide at the hands of black killers, or 5,218 deaths per year on average. This is approximately 19 times the annual number of deaths of African Americans in confrontations with police. 19 times. Why is this not the main dialogue of the problem of murder in the black community? Or the fact that 50% of all black pregnancies end in abortion?
Answer: Because manipulative racists called democrats have convinced the black community that they have the community’s best interests at heart, while keeping them content and their numbers culled in poverty on the democrat slave plantation. As a result a government dependent class that did not exist prior to 1964 has mushroomed to $1.1 trillion (FY 2016), which is 26% of the Federal budget.
Al Sharpton and other race baiters have made a living promoting “systematic” racism. Let us not forget Al Sharpton’s Tawana Brawley Hoax. That is why these charlatans will never address the elephant in the room. They ignore it because they profit from it and have shamelessly politicized George Floyd’s murder, rather than addressing the real issues that have victimized and exploited black Americans for decades. Issues such as fatherless homes, drugs and prison have decimated the black community, leading to poverty, generational welfare and homelessness. This has created a dependent class that lines the pockets of the powerful elites behind the scenes and their agents in both political parties. These Anti-American elitists are the real invisible enemy, not the police, or racism.

Get “woke”. Wake up to the New World Order!

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